

Remi De Roo - Chronicles of a Vatican II Bishop

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The Author

Robert Blair Kaiser, in speaking of the Second Vatican Council, states that the Council made the Bishops more human, more real, and more loving.


Then the Bishops turned around and helped us, the Church, to be more human, more real, and more loving.


Remi De Roo - Chronicles of a Vatican II Bishop is the story of one such transformation.


Appointed as the new Bishop of Victoria, British Columbia at the tender age of 38, this young priest from Manitoba fell headlong from his parish life into the first session of Vatican II. He was active in all four sessions of the Council and it's effect on him, and the life of his diocese, is profound. "Chronicles" tells Bishop De Roo's story from childhood in Swan Lake Manitoba through the days at the Council, of changes in the vision and life of a diocese, of dedication to social justice in Canada and our world, to a present day ministry as a "Pilgrim of Vatican II".


It is a story of personal growth and the development of the Church as the People of God, accepting responsibility with their bishop for the work of the Gospel. Personally, "Chronicles" brought back memories of this time in my life here on Vancouver Island. It led to a renewed commitment and optimism for the future, for this is a book full of hope in the midst of human frailty. It leads, not to a "wringing of hands" for what is not, but to a renewed vision of what could be. It is a call to action.


Chronicles of a Vatican II Bishop

Remi De Roo

Published by Novalis - Toronto, Ontario

ISBN 978-2-89646-471-5

Book Review Archive

Just click on a book title below to read the review.
(The latest submissions are listed first.)


• Mark's Passion Narrative •
• Jesus: A Gospel Portrait •
• How I Found Life and Freedom on Death Row •
• Christ and the Spirit: Catholic Perspectives Through the Ages •
• The Council and the Making of the Ultramontane Church •
• A Joint Review •
• St. Dominic: A Story of a Preaching Friar •
• Moses in Pharaoh's House •
• ...and the Mountains Echoed •
• Behind the Beautiful Forevers •
• Preaching the Mystery of Faith: The Sunday Homily •
• The Rhythm of Being... •
• Remi De Roo - Chronicles of a Vatican II Bishop •
• Redeeming the Past •
• Abraham Joshua Heschel: Essential Writings •
• This Is Our Exile •
• Compassion: Loving Our Neighbor in and Age of Globalization •
• True and False Reform In the Church •
• Adult Faith •
• The Mystical Way In Everyday Life •
• Racial Justice and the Catholic Church •
• Let the Great World Spin •
• The Priesthood Of the Faithful •
• Living With Wisdom •
• Where the Pure Water Flows •
• Best Advice For Preaching •
• We Speak the Word Of the Lord •
• Great World Religions: Islam •
• Of Books and Preparation •
• After Sunday: A Theology of Work •
• A Captive Voice: The Liberation of Preaching •
• Written Text Becomes Living Word... •
• Voicing the Vision: Imagination & Prophetic Preaching •
• The Death of Innocents •

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